Friday, November 5, 2010


Finally I have finished uni for the year and have the chance to make, collect and do my favourite things, which I will use as the inspiration for the posts on this blog.

Through the Western Australia Public Libraries Learning 2.0 Basics program hopefully we can all learn about the awesome things which you can access through the web - My aim is to try to add in further reading or some of my favourite websites/blogs into all of my posts.

Although I use the web every day I have never set up a blog and hopefully there will be plenty more to learn in the other week’s sessions. It’s great to see how successful the course has been so far and hopefully everyone learns a whole load more about all the amazing resources and people out there in the big wide world of the intertubes.


  1. Great news that you have finished Uni - hope you will have a nice break!

  2. Congratuations! I still have another few weeks to go! That and 3 more assessments to do!

  3. A bit late - but congrats. Enjoy the lo-o-o-o-ong break.
